We organize the experience exchange between assessors

Gate4SPICE events have been the most popular meetings for SPICE assessor and experts knowledge exchange since 2006.

Networking, discussion of SPICE related topics, from very general down to very special ones, addressing new technologies and approaches – all can profit from that well established way of information exchange.

By participating intacs® Gate4SPICE events you meet experienced colleagues from industry and consultancy organizations.

G4S Overview

Organizing Gate4SPICE Events

Gate4SPICE events are typically hosted by industry or consultancy organizations.

If you have identified an interesting topic, have collected an exciting experience, or are interested in hosting an event, just write an email to Gate4Spice@intacs.info.

Participation is open for all but is mainly recommended for intacs® certified assessors. Please make sure to register with your account that contains your certification number. Nevertheless, free seats are available for registered intacs.info experts.

The registration process runs via the web site intacs.info.

Download Gate4SPICE Documents

News from Gate4SPICE Working Group

The intention of Gate4SPICE meetings is the information exchange between assessors and experts to support increased and common understanding of SPICE related topics. Therefore it is beneficial and recommended to perform Gate4SPICE meetings on-site.

Since 2020, online Gate4SPICE meetings are allowed.

The following restrictions and rules shall be followed and considered:

  • In case there are workshops planned virtual rooms shall be available which allow working groups with max. 5 participants.
  • As for on-site events there are usually EE-AC certificates issued after the meeting for the speakers if their presentation (including ~5 min questions/answers) lasted at least 30 Minutes and includes appropriate SPICE related content. The evaluation of content is performed by iNTACS Working Group “Assessor Support” before or after the event. Therefore the presented material shall be provided. In doubts the intacs Advisory Board can decide.
  • The maximum number of participants is 50.


Presence meetings planned and conducted by partner organizations may be cancelled or postponed. iNTACS will not pay or reimburse travel or other expenses if an event is cancelled or postponed.